Teslaverse Wiki
October 12, 2013.  Live music by Honk, Wail & Moan

Dr. Bob Tesla and Nikola Tesla are back from Greenland, after looking for Wilma Westinghouse who had moved from her bunker under the ice in Greenland.  This time Dr. Bob brings his audience a classic movie with a fabulous 11 piece band, Columbus Legends Honk, Wail & Moan, and also brought hosted the 2nd Annual Costume Contest.

During the second segment the Tesla’s receives a message from Wilma, who had moved from Greenland to her bunker in the Gulf of Mexico looking for common merpeople.  Wilma was sorry to miss her sweet Nikola and Dr. Bob, but concluded that the Di-clotron plans that Dr. Bob had sent her where useless and a big danger to the one holding it then anything else.  During the final segment Rick enters, The Nurse immediately tries give him a drink for all the help he gave her last month.  Rick turns it down and explains he never got the Di-clotron to work and even worse he no longer has his hard copies of his plans because they were stone and his computer was hacked.

Watch the episode!