March 14, 2015, presented in Emerg-O
Audience brought Nerf guns to shot down the Nazi flying saucer.
During the first segment Dr. Bob Tesla is able to communicate with Wilma Westinghouse. She states she has food and water to last for 2 months if she cuts back but power will be drained in 4 weeks. Dr. Bob has her shut down everything she can to save power. He remembers there is going to be a solar storm on April 11th that will shut down C.I.T.T. and they will be able to talk. Dr. Bob states he will figure something out and will get in touch with her on April 11th while C.I.T.T. is down. Once she logs off she comments to Nikola Tesla that Nikola’s girlfriend is doomed. Dr. Bob comments that he could use more help on this one, he seems to not have any ideas yet on how to save Wilma.
During intermission C.I.T.T. calls Dr. Bob, stating he has found a way to cure humanity. C.I.T.T. asks She-gor to open the side panel of the console for him, Dr. Bob tells her not to but She-gor is shocked and falls to the ground. Dr. Bob demands to know what C.I.T.T. did to She-gor, and C.I.T.T. states he has fixed her by giving her nanites, thankfully Dr. Bob and Nurse Feratu are able to stop her with some gold before she “Deleted” anyone. C.I.T.T. tells Dr. Bob that he will find a cure for humanity. The Nurse leaves to find a broom to clean up the remains of She-gor.
During the movie the audience helps us shoot down the Nazi Flying saucer, with Nerf weapons, that began attacking the audience.
During the final segment Dr. Bob gets a call, thinking that it is Wilma he answered it only to find Rick Edison is calling him from a different part of the Gateway Film Center. Dr. Bob tells him he is too busy to deal with Rick right now since he is attempting to save Wilma right now. Rick instantly becomes concerned he quickly calls Mario Marconi to tell him he will be late, and moments later he is running into the theater. Dr. Bob reminds him he is not suppose to be in the theater. Rick please with Dr. Bob, he and Nikola decided to let him stay since they need more ideas on how to save Wilma. Rick starts throwing out ideas, Dr. Bob states he has already tried them and lost many Igors already or that they are bad ideas.